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Q'anjob'al / Eastern Kanjobal

Q'anjob'al / Eastern Kanjobal is a Mayan language used in Soloma, San Juan Ixcoy, Santa Eulalia, and Barillas in the north of Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

1) ¿Baytal chi kan in na?

2) ¿Baytal chi kankan a miman a'ej?

3) ¿Baytal chi kankan an kantina?

4) ¡Man in a mixt' b'aytu'!

Language information at Wikipedia

Writing system information at Omniglot

Alternate names for Q'anjob'al include Eastern Kanjobal, Santa Eulalia Kanjobal, Kanhobal, and Conob

The four essential
travel phrases in English:

1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don't touch me there!
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