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Dutch is an official language of the Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, Aruba, and the Netherlands Antilles.
It is also used in parts of France, Germany, South Africa, Indonesia, eastern Guyana, and other countries.

Languages & dialects shown below:  Common Dutch, Aalsters, Achterhoeks, Antwaarps, Bosch, Brabantian, Dordts, Drents, Edjes, Flemish, Gents, Gronings, Haags, Helmonds, Katwijks, Kerkraads, Liemers, Maases, Mestreech, Nuenens, Ostèèns, Overpelts, Roermonds, Rotterdams, Sittards, Sleeuwijks, Swalmens, Texels, Tilburgs, Twents, Uterechs, West-Fries, Westerkwartiers, Willebroeks, Woensels, Zeeuws, and Zwols

See also Historical Dutch.

top Common Dutch

Common Dutch (Algemeen Nederlands) is the standard language as defined by the Dutch Language Union.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak me daar niet aan!

shown using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

[the four essential travel phrases]

Language information at Wikipedia

Writing system information at Omniglot

Alternate names for Dutch include Nederlands, Hollands, Flemish, Vlaams, and Flamand

Alternate names for Common Dutch include Algemeen Nederlands (AN), Standaardnederlands, and Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands (ABN)

top Aalsters

The Aalsters dialect is used in Aalst, Belgium.

1) Waar is men kamer?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak moi doar ni oon!

top Achterhoeks

Achterhoeks is used in the Achterhoek region of the Gelderland province of the Netherlands.

1) Woar is mien kamer?

2) Woar is 't strand?

3) Woar is de bar?

4) Raak mij daar niet an!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

Alternate names for Achterhoeks include Achterhoek and Aachterhoeks

top Antwaarps

The Antwaarps dialect is used in Antwerp, Belgium.

1) Wor is main koamer?

2) Wor is 't strand?

3) Wor is dieë bar?

4) Bleft vamme laaf!

Alternate names for Antwaarps include Antwerpian and Antwerps

top Bosch

The Bosch dialect is used in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.

1) Waor is mijn kamer?

2) Waor is ut strand?

3) Waor is de bar?

4) Raok mij daor nie oan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Brabantian

The Brabantian dialect is used in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands and the Antwerp & Flemish Brabant provinces of Belgium.

1) Wàà és majn kàmer?

2) Wàà és 't strand?

3) Wàà és de bar?

4) Rààk me dàà ni ààn!

Language information at Wikipedia

Alternate names for Brabantian include Brabantic, Braobans, and Brabants

top Dordts

The Dordts dialect is used in Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is ut strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak me daar niet aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Drents

Drents is used in the Drenthe province of the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mien kamer?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mij daar nait aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

Drents is also called Drente

top Edjes

The Edjes dialect is used in the city of Ede in the Gelderland province of the Netherlands.

1) Waart is mijn kamert?

2) Waart is het strand?

3) Waart is de bar?

4) Raak mij daart niet aan!

top Flemish

The Flemish dialect is used in the Flanders region of Belgium.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is de strand?

3) Waar is de herberg?

4) Blijf van mijn lijf!

Language information at Wikipedia

Writing system information at Omniglot

top Gents

The Gents dialect is used in Ghent, Belgium.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is et strand?

3) Waar is den bar?

4) Raak mij daar niet aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Gronings

Gronings is used in the Groningen province of the Netherlands.

1) Woar is mien kamer?

2) Woar is 't strand?

3) Woar is de bar?

4) Roak mie doar nait aan!

Language information at Wikipedia

Alternate names for Gronings include Groningen and Grunnings

top Haags

The Haags dialect is used in the city of the Hague in the South Holland province of the Netherlands.

1) Wâh is mèn kameâhr?

2) Wâh is ut strand?

3) Wâh is duh bar?

4) Raak muh dâh niet aan!

top Helmonds

The Helmonds dialect is used in the city of Helmond in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is ut strand?

3) Waar is du bar?

4) Raak mij daar niet aan!

top Katwijks

The Katwijks dialect is used in the Katwijk aan Zee area of the Netherlands.

1) Waer is m'n kaemer?

2) Waer is 't strand?

3) Waer is de bar?

4) Raek mij daer iet an!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Kerkraads

The Kerkraads dialect is used in the city of Kerkrade in the Limburg province of the Netherlands and the city of Herzogenrath in the North Rhine-Westphalia state of Germany.

1) Woar is mijn kamer?

2) Woar is het strand?

3) Woar is de bar?

4) Roak mij doar niet oan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Liemers

The Liemers dialect is used in the Liemers (Lijmers) region of the Gelderland province of the Netherlands.

1) Waor is mien kaomer?

2) Waor is 't strand?

3) Waor is de bar?

4) Rak mi-j daor net aon!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Maases

The Maases dialect is spoken north of Brussels in the Belgian towns of Meise and Wolvertem.

1) Waa es mayn kamer?

2) Waa es tstrant?

3) Waa es dembar?

4) Bleft daa van may af!

top Mestreech

The Mestreech dialect is used in the city of Maastricht in the Limburg province of the Netherlands.

1st version:

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is ut strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mij daar niet aan!

2nd version:

1) Waor is mijn kaomer?

2) Waor is 't strand?

3) Waor is de bar?

4) Raok miech dao neet aon!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Nuenens

The Nuenens dialect is used in the town of Nuenen in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands.

1) Wòr is m'n kaamer?

2) Wòr is 't strand?

3) Wòr is de bar?

4) Rakt mèj dòòr nie èn!

top Ostèèns

The Ostèèns dialect is used in the city of Ostend in the West Flanders province of Belgium.

1) Woar es me kamer?

2) Woar es 't strange?

3) Woar es 't café?

4) Bluuf hunter mè je pootn va mien of!

top Overpelts

The Overpelts dialect is used in the city of Overpelt in the Limburg province of Belgium.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mich daar niet aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Roermonds

The Roermonds dialect is used in the city of Roermond in the Limburg province of the Netherlands.

1) Wao is mien kamer?

2) Wao is 't strand?

3) Wao is de bar?

4) Raak mij daar neet aan!

top Rotterdams

The Rotterdams dialect is used in the city of Rotterdam in the South Holland province of the Netherlands.

1) Waar is me kamûr?

2) Waar is ut strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mai daar nie an!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Sittards

The Sittards dialect is used in Sittard, the Netherlands.

1) Waar zeen mien kamer?

2) Waar zeen 't strand?

3) Waar zeen de bar?

4) Raak mij daar neit aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Sleeuwijks

The Sleeuwijks dialect is used in the city of Sleeuwijk in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mijn kamer?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is Dun bar?

4) Raak mij daar niet aan!

top Swalmens

The Swalmens dialect is used in the city of Swalmen in the Limburg province of the Netherlands.

1) Waor is mijn kamer?

2) Waor is het strand?

3) Waor is de bar?

4) Raak mij dao niet aan!

top Texels

The Texels dialect is used on the island of Texel, which is part of the North Holland province of the Netherlands.

1) Weer is mien kamer?

2) Weer is het strand?

3) Weer is de bar?

4) Raak mie daar niet an!

top Tilburgs

The Tilburgs dialect is used in Tilburg, the Netherlands.

1) Waor is mèn kamer?

2) Waor is ut strand?

3) Waor is de bar?

4) Raok mij daor niet aon!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Twents

Twents is used in the Twente region of the Overijssel province of the Netherlands.

1) Woar is mien kamer?

2) Woar is 't strand?

3) Woar is de bar?

4) Blieuw doar van miej of!

Language information at Wikipedia

Alternate names for Twents include Tweants, Twente, and Twentsch

top Uterechs / Stad-Utrechts

The Uterechs dialect is used in the city of Utrecht in the Utrecht province of the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mijn kaomert?

2) Waar is het strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mij daorzo niet aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top West-Fries

The West-Fries dialect is used in parts of the North Holland province of the Netherlands.

1) Weer is moin kamer?

2) Weer is 't strand?

3) Weer is de bar?

4) Raak moin d'r neit an!

Language information at Wikipedia

Alternate names for West-Fries include Westfries, West Frisian, and Northern North Hollandish

top Westerkwartiers

The Westerkwartiers dialect of Gronings is used in the Westerkwartier region of the Netherlands.

1) Woar is mien koamer?

2) Woar is 't strand?

3) Woar is de bar?

4) Roak me doar niet aan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

top Willebroeks

The Willebroeks dialect is used in the city of Willebroek in the Antwerp province of Belgium.

1) Wââr ës men kââmer?

2) Wââr ës 't strand?

3) Wââr ës 't kaffee?

4) Rââk mij dââ ni âân!

top Woensels

The Woensels dialect is used in Woensel, the Netherlands.

1) Woar is mun kamer?

2) Woar is ut strand?

3) Woar is den bar?

4) Raak mij daar nie àn!

top Zeeuws

Zeeuws is used in the Zeeland and South Holland provinces of the Netherlands.

1) Waè is m'n kaemer?

2) Waè is 't strange?

3) Waè is 't café?

4) Raekt me daè nie an!

Language information at Wikipedia

Alternate names for Zeeuws include Zeêuws, Zeaws, and Zeelandic

top Zwols

The Zwols dialect is used in Zwolle, the Netherlands.

1) Waar is mi'jn kamer?

2) Waar is 't strand?

3) Waar is de bar?

4) Raak mi'j döör niet aoan!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Dutch)

The four essential
travel phrases in English:

1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don't touch me there!
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