Idrani was created by Trent M. Pehrson in grammer school initially for secrecy. He continues to develop the language and its writing systems.
Writing systems shown below: | Sipokhi script family (Sipokhi), Ksatlai script family (Ksatlai), Hai Ksulka script family (Lhai, Irik), Hai Tolku script family (Tenguar, Skeryl), Experamental scripts (Cactus, Klarti, Neototem, Selmi, Trukal) |
Sipokhi script is used in all electronic media and is a simplification of Khisipokhi script.
Romanized:Writing system information
Ksatlai script is a complex writing systems having features of abjads, alphabets, synharmonic syllabaries, and logograms.
Writing system information
Lhai script was inspiration by inscriptions seen on the clothing of Vulcans in the Star Trek franchise.
Writing system information
Irik script was created to be Vulcan in appearance. It was inspired by artwork on the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Writing system information
Idrani Tenguar is based on J.R.R Tokien's Tengwar script.
Skeryl script was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trillogy.
Cactus script was named after its appearance.
Writing system information
Klarti script was inspired by a cloud formation viewed after a rain storm in 1987.
Writing system information
Neototem script is an alphabet that combines syllables into blocks like Korean's Hangul. It uses faces that stack into totem-like creatures.
Writing system information
Selmi is based on the principles of shorthand.
Writing system information
Trukal is an alphabetic script that uses only four fundamental strokes.
Writing system information
Idrani images and information used with permission from Trent M. Pehrson
Official language and writing information
The four essential travel phrases in English: 1) Where is my room? 2) Where is the beach? 3) Where is the bar? 4) Don't touch me there! |
Do you have a language or dialect to add? Did I get something wrong? Please let me know... |