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Australian Kriol

Kriol is an English-based creole used in parts of the states of Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

top Fitzroy Valley Kriol

1) Weya main rum?

2) Weya det senbitj?

3) Weya det ba?

4) Nomo tatjim mi deya!

top Roper River Kriol (also known as Roper River Pidgin)

1) Weya mai rum?

2) Weya det senbitj?

3) Weya det ba?

4) Nomo tajim mi jeya!

Language information at Wikipedia

Kriol is also called Roper-Bamyili Creole

The four essential
travel phrases in English:

1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don't touch me there!
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