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Sioux (with various varieties) is a native language used in parts of the northern US and Canada.

Shown below:  Assiniboine, Dakota, and Lakota

top Assiniboine (also known as Assiniboin, Hohe, Nakota, Nakoda, and Nakona)

Assiniboine is used by a small number of the Nakota people of the Sioux tribes in the northern part of the US state of Montana and the southern part of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan

1) Tibi mitawa dukten kta zhe?

2) Mniwanja huda dukten wunga zhe?

3) Omniyatke dukten kta zhe?

4) Zhen mayutan shin yo! [said by a man]
-or- Zhen mayutan shin ye! [said by a woman]

Language information at Wikipedia

top Dakota (also known as Dakhota and Sioux)

Dakota is used by some of the Dakota people of the Sioux tribes in northern Nebraska, southern Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and northeastern Montana

1) Oyanke mitawa kin tukte kta he?

2) Miniwanca huta kin tukte kta he?

3) Miniwakan tipi kin tukte kta he?

4) Hed mayutan sni wo! [said by a man]
-or- Hed mayutan sni yo! [said by a woman]

Language information at Wikipedia

top Lakota (also known as Lakhota, Teton, and Teton Sioux)

Lakota is used by some of the Lakota people of the Sioux tribes, primarily in the US states of North and South Dakota.

1) Oyanke mitawa kin tuktel han he?

2) Mniwanca ohuta kin tuktel yunke he?

3) Mniwakan tipi kin tuktel han he?

4) Hel mayutan sni yo! [said by a man]
-or- Hel mayutan sni ye! [said by a woman]

Language information at Wikipedia

Language information at Wikipedia

Writing system information at Omniglot

The four essential
travel phrases in English:

1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don't touch me there!
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