Languages of Star TrekGene Roddenberry's 1966 TV series "Star Trek" has spawned eleven more TV series, thirteen movies, and hundreds of books. With a universe of aliens, Star Trek has inspired many constructed languages (ConLangs) including Andorian*, Bajoran*, Borg, Cardassian*, Ferengi*, Klingon, Romulan, Trill*, and Vulcan. | ||
*translations needed | ||
Borg is used by the Borg Collective.
It is read from top-to-bottom, right-to-left.
vaghep li'uzh voq ghiH twe bach |
Memory Alpha's Borg page
Federation Standard is used by many members of the United Federation of Planets.
Klingon is used by the Klingon Empire.
Language information at Wikipedia
Writing system information at Omniglot
Additional information on Klingon can be found at the Klingonska Akademien (in Swedish & English) and the Klingon Language Institute
Google has a Klingon interface
Alternate names for Klingon include Klingonese and tlhIngan Hol
Rihannsu is used by the Romulans in the Romulan Star Empire.
Language information at Wikipedia and Memory Alpha
Writing system information at Omniglot
Alternate names for Romulan include Rihannsu and Sav'lesta
Vulcan is used by Vulcans on their home planet
1) Tvi-shal d'nash-veh wilat.I would be happy to receive Vulcan-based, written version(s) of this translation |
Language information at Wikipedia and Memory Alpha
General Star Trek links
Memory Alpha: The free Star Trek reference, including language information
Paramount has a dedicated Star Trek site
The four essential travel phrases in English: 1) Where is my room? 2) Where is the beach? 3) Where is the bar? 4) Don't touch me there! |
Do you have a language or dialect to add? Did I get something wrong? Please let me know... |