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Swedish is used in Sweden, parts of neighboring Finland, and Åland.

Items shown below:  Standard Swedish, Åstol dialect, Gutnish, Pitemål dialect, Tåsjömål dialect, and the Swedish language game Rövarspråk

See also Old Swedish.

top Standard Swedish

1) Var är mitt rum?

2) Var är stranden?

3) Var är baren?

4) Rör mig inte där!

shown using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

[Swedish using IPA]

Language information at Wikipedia

Writing system information at Omniglot

Alternate names for Swedish include Svenska and Ruotsi

top Åstol

The Åstol dialect of Swedish is used in Åstol, on the western coast of Sweden.

1) Vâr ä mitt römm?

2) Vâr ä stranna?

3) Vâr ä barên?

4) Rôr mäjj inntê där!

top Gutnish (also known as Gotlandic, Gutniska, Gutamal, and Gutnic)

Gutnish, sometimes classified as a dialect of Swedish and sometimes considered a distinct language, is used in the Gotland and Fårö islands of Sweden.

Mainland Gutnish (Gutamål)

1) Var jär mitt rume?

2) Var jär strandi?

3) Var jär krogen?

4) Röir mi int där! or Lätt blei mi!

Faroymal (Fårömål)

1) Var jär mitt romi?

2) Var jär strande?

3) Var jär krogen?

4) Råir mi inti dar! or Lätt bleiva mi!

Language information at Wikipedia

See also Old Gutnish

top Pitemål (also known as Peitmål)

The Pitemål dialect of Swedish is used in and around the city of Piteå, Sweden.

1) Vårs jär stögon mijn?

2) Vårs jär stranda?

3) Vårs jär barn?

4) Rör mä et dena!

Language information at Wikipedia (in Swedish)

top Tåsjömål

The Tåsjömål dialect of Swedish is used in Tåsjö, Västernorrland County, Sweden.

1) Varsch ä mitt rom?

2) Varsch ä stranna?

3) Varsch ä bar’n?

4) Piller mä int i denne! -or- Lätt bli mä i denne!

top Rövarspråk

Rövarspråk is a Swedish language game popularized by Astrid Lindgren's books featuring Kalle Blomkvist.
In the books, children use it as a code while playing and while solving actual crimes.

1) Vovaror äror momitottot rorumom?

2) Vovaror äror sostotroranondodenon?

3) Vovaror äror bobarorenon?

4) Roröror momigog inontote dodäror!

More information at Wikipedia

More games are on my language game page

The four essential
travel phrases in English:

1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don't touch me there!
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