Pashto is used in parts of Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan.
Entries below: | Nangarhar and Zabul |
This translation represents a dialect of Pashto used in the Nangarhar Province and many other parts of Eastern Afghanistan.
This translation represents a nomadic dialect of Pashto used in Qalat/Kalat (the capital of Zabul Province) and many other parts of Afghanistan.
[ezma ossadoon echrey dai] [da awakhwah eshrey dai] [da sharab kor echrey dai] ezma bande haley ma bladah] |
Language information at Wikipedia
Writing system information at Omniglot
Alternate names for Pashto include Pashtu, Pushto, Pushtu, and Pakhto
The four essential travel phrases in English: 1) Where is my room? 2) Where is the beach? 3) Where is the bar? 4) Don't touch me there! |
Do you have a language or dialect to add? Did I get something wrong? Please let me know... |